MagicSpam for Mail Enable Now in Beta!

Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:00:00 -0700 | by LinuxMagic Inc.

VANCOUVER, BC: LinuxMagic, the creators of MagicSpam, are happy to announce it has now ported its acclaimed MagicSpam to Windows, and released it?s first BETA version for the MailEnable product lines. Now users who prefer Windows products can get the same great protection that previously was limited only to other operating systems. MagicSpam for MailEnable (Version 3.0 and greater on Windows 2003/2008 Server) BETA release was driven by customer demand, to stop spam BEFORE the server has to process it.

ISPs and Telcos know how important this is, not only to reduce server loads and bandwidth, but to prevent the "backscatter" that many filtering systems generate. And the anti spam components in MagicSpam are the same proven technologies that are used in the "MagicMail" servers that ISPs and Telcos use.

President/CEO Michael Peddemors was quoted as saying.. "I know, with a name like LinuxMagic some people tease us about releasing a product for Windows, however all email operators are starting to get it. Spam Protection belongs in the SMTP layer. And the technologies that we have developed makes it easier to happen. We get more and more email products that are looking to have us port our MagicSpam protection to their platforms. And it's because it works more efficiently than email filtering, appliances, or cloud filtering services."

He further adds... "We have had so many requests for MagicSpam for different platforms, we had to choose which products to do first, and the wide deployment world wide of MailEnable made it an obvious choice"

MagicSpam makes it simple for a one click install, and comes complete with management consoles, stats, logging, reputation lists, and more. The BETA program is expected to run for one month, after which the production version should be made available to the public. For more information on MagicSpam please visit

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