Category: Web Hosting

Port 110 (POP3) may be your problem!

Wondering why your email accounts are getting compromised? What is Port 110 (and what is it used for)? Port 110 is the default “port” designated for POP3 communication. When email clients like Outlook, Thunderbird, or Apple Mail want to retrieve emails from an email server using POP3, they will establish a connection with the server over Port 110. At the dawning of the email era thirty-some odd years ago, people first received email with POP. You would initiate a telnet (teletype network) session to a specific port, send specific instructions, and get specific responses back – including email content. Information…

How a Chilean Hosting Company Reduced Support Calls and Improved Email Services by Partnering with MagicSpam

When you think of hosting, Chile may not be the first country that springs to mind. However, there is a company there that is quietly becoming a powerhouse in the region. Tecnoera is an Internet Service Provider and Hosting Company that offers Web Hosting, along with Data Center and Cloud Solutions. With offices in Chile and Peru, Tecnoera services the Government, Mining, Enterprise, SMB, and Telecommunication sectors all across Latin America with over 20 years of experience. Their hosting division under the brand NetExplora has two data centers in Santiago and Viña del Mar. Like with many other companies —…

How to Pick the Right Web Hosting Partner

With over 330,000 providers out there, the web hosting industry offers lucrative options for businesses looking to establish and maintain a successful online presence. Yet choosing the right one can turn out to be more challenging than what most business owners think at the start. Read on to learn more about the key factors to consider when making your decision.