Category: Email Security

Port 110 (POP3) may be your problem!

Wondering why your email accounts are getting compromised? What is Port 110 (and what is it used for)? Port 110 is the default “port” designated for POP3 communication. When email clients like Outlook, Thunderbird, or Apple Mail want to retrieve emails from an email server using POP3, they will establish a connection with the server over Port 110. At the dawning of the email era thirty-some odd years ago, people first received email with POP. You would initiate a telnet (teletype network) session to a specific port, send specific instructions, and get specific responses back – including email content. Information…

ASN Lookup: Finding the source of all that spam

Ever wonder where all of that incoming spam comes from? It’s easy to jump to conclusions about the source of the traffic, but what may seem like random domain names and servers might not be as random as you think. Fortunately, we as email administrators can always tell what IP the source came from. That IP belongs to a network, and that network can be attributed to an Autonomous System Number (ASN). By performing an ASN lookup, we can figure out who operates the network of that IP. What is an Autonomous System Number (ASN)? The internet is home to…

Password Spraying: How hackers compromise your email server

A threat worth understanding Email administrators are constantly dealing with the looming threat of authentication attacks. When an account has been compromised, it can be used for phishing, spam, malware distribution, and other illegal activity. If you’re running an email server, this could have many implications — including getting blacklisted. One of the most common authentication attacks is the password spraying attack. By understanding what password spraying is and how it works, you can defend your server more effectively. What is password spraying? Password spraying is a type of authentication attack where hackers select a few passwords to try against…

Safe vs Weak Passwords: Could you be hacked in the next 5 minutes?

Why do people use weak passwords? It’s no secret that most people prioritize convenience over security. When it comes to passwords, people like to use their cat’s name or their birthday — something easy to remember. They also don’t want to remember a bunch of different passwords, so they recycle that same password and use it everywhere. When weak passwords are the preference, security becomes an oversight. How hackable is my password? That depends. If you are using an email platform, any random combination of letters and numbers probably won’t get hacked as long as you don’t use the same…